Frequently Asked Question is a website utilizing a top of the line method to help other users to get free PSN codes. With help from sponsors we are able to reveal the secrets that everyone is using to get PSN codes completely free! This is NOT one of those scam PSN card generators as we are using a legit method to help you getting your PSN card codes for free. Our website is being used by hundreds or even thousands of users everyday that is taking advantage of our service. 

What do I use a PSN code for and how do I receive one for free?

PSN stands for Playstation Network and the code is used to add money in your PSN account. For the money that you'll be given you can purchase any Playstation game or any other product that is available in the PSN store. So how do you get it for free? For us to reveal the secret that everyone wants to be kept quiet you'll need to do one thing. When you hit the "Select" button you'll be taken to one of our sponsors gateway. You'll need you to complete one task that they will offer you to complete. This only takes a few minutes and when you're done you're only seconds away from receiving the secrets behind getting free PSN codes. 

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